Fischer hits 50 targets in perfect round
Sports | Published on May 11, 2021 at 9:18pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0The New York Mills trap team had another fantastic week. The team had so many great scores come in, head coach Tom Kotarski would almost have to name the entire team, but here’s the highlights.
It was awesome to watch a group of four team members shoot their first round of 25 targets each on Wednesday night. Nathan Fischer, Monte Briard, Sawyer Wedde and Derek Gibble were all shooting together and had a rhythm going. In their first round, Fischer, Briard and Wedde hit all 25 of their targets and Gibble only missed one—his 15th target—that’s 99 out of 100 targets hit in one round.
Their second round they, as a group, only missed five targets total and Nathan Fischer managed to hit all 25 of his targets again. As a result, Briard and Wedde received a 25 straight patch for their first round and Fischer received two 25 straight patches and a 50 straight patch. Fischer also received a trophy for the first “50 straight” during competition rounds of the season. That’s great shooting.
The junior team captain, Bode Roberts, also shot a 25 straight during his second round on Wednesday and received his first 25 straight patch.
NY Mills’ top 5 scores for the week were (out of 50 targets):
50- Nathan Fischer
49- Montgomery Briard
48- Bode Roberts and Sawyer Wedde
47- Braxton Ehnert, Derek Gibble, Taylor Pulver and Dashaun Robinson
46- Zeke Aho, Cody Barthel and Chase Keskitalo
This week NY Mills’ “team average” was 40.51 out of 50 targets. In comparison, in 2019, during the Eagles third league week, the team average was 35.56. So, as a team, they’re definitely excelling.
After three weeks of league rounds in (2 more weeks to go), the team individual averages are being formed. The competition is unbelievably close for top gun this season—here’s the team members with the top averages so far—out of 25 targets:
23.5 average- Monty Briard, Nathan Fischer
23 average- Chase Keskitalo, Dashaun Robinson
22.67 average- Cody Barthel, Levi Roberts
22.5 average- Zeke Aho, Derek Gibble, Bode Roberts, Sawyer Wedde
22.33 average- Izak Schermerhorn
Where do the Eagles stand in their conference competition? This year, because of covid, the league isn’t posting the final scores for the season until the week of May 24, when the competition is over. Stay tuned.
As a team Kotarski said the team is shooting very well and because of some great scores coming in, they’re having a lot of fun and it’s very rewarding to watch the team evolve.