NYM voters approve split liquor license
News | Published on May 20, 2021 at 11:44am GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
New York Mills voters turned out on Tuesday to cast a vote in a special election to change the city’s charter. A vote of 88-24 approved changing the city’s charter to allow for a split liquor license in the city limits.
By Chad Koenen
New York Mills voters overwhelmingly supported changing the city charter to allow for a split liquor license.
During a special election on Tuesday, NY Mills voters approved the change with 88 people casting a vote in favor of becoming a split liquor city and just 24 people voting in dissent. The change will allow the NY Mills City Council the option to issue up to four on-sale intoxicating (hard) liquor licenses in the community. Previously just the city-owned Mills Liquors and the NY Mills VFW could receive an intoxicating liquor license.
The vote came after Owen and Dolly Tumberg, owners of Mills Lanes and Lucky Strike Grill, issued a petition in the community to seek a special election to change the city charter. Once enough valid signatures were collected, the issue was put to a vote for NY Mills residents.
Dolly Tumberg said she is thankful for the support they received during the special election.
“Thanks for the support. It wasn’t just the voters it was the people that were spreading the word around,” she said. “I am just thankful that they were out there spreading the word too.”
NY Mills City Clerk Julie Roberts said the city is currently working with the city attorney to change the city’s charter and will need to set a fee schedule for intoxicating liquor licenses. Once those administrative things are completed the city council will need to officially vote on the change in the city’s charter and the fee schedule before additional intoxicating licenses can be issued.
“Once those things are done we can start issuing them,” she said.
The city council will hod its May meeting on Wednesday, May 19 at 4:30 p.m. The meeting was originally scheduled for May 11, but was moved so it did not conflict with last Tuesday’s special election.