LREC awards grant to EOT 4-H
News | Published on August 23, 2021 at 10:49pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
The East Otter Tail 4-H group smiles with the check they received from LREC’s Operation Round Up and the helmets they purchased with the funds.
During Lake Region Electric Cooperative’s (LREC) quarterly Operation Round Up (ORU) allocation, the ORU Board of Trustees distributed $11,100. Award recipients and amounts are as follows:
•$1,250 to Otter Tail Youth Ski League for equipment trailer
•$2,000 to Parkers Prairie Community Ambulance for cardiac equipment
•$360 to East Otter Tail 4-H for bike rodeos in Henning and Perham areas
•$2,500 to Perham Rotary Club for Scout Park
•$2,500 to Soul Purpose dba Matthew House for Second Chances project
•$2,500 to Perham Area Community Center (PACC) for Creating a Community HUB project
Since 2007, ORU has awarded $422,060 to local organizations and charities across the LREC service territory. Funding for ORU comes directly from LREC members and any LREC member can donate. If you would like to participate in ORU, you can donate the extra change on your electric bill when rounding up to the next dollar ($0.01-$0.99 each month). To sign up, members can visit the LREC website, log onto SmartHub, email or call (800) 552-7658.
Operation Round Up is a voluntary charitable fundraising program through LREC. The trust fund is overseen by a volunteer, nine-member board of trustees, who are selected to serve by LREC’s board of directors. If you have a community project that needs funding, complete the online Operation Round Up Request for Funding form found on the LREC website and submit it with supporting documentation for consideration. Applications for funding will be accepted until September 15, 2021.
Lake Region Electric Cooperative is a member-owned, member-controlled electric utility serving more than 28,000 services in Otter Tail and Wilkin counties and portions of surrounding counties. This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer.