East Otter Tail County 4-H State Fair results
News | Published on September 16, 2021 at 9:58pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Arewen Dobratz- White Egg Production Chicken Brandt Malone- Champion Red and White Total Merit Cow Moriah Geiser-Champion Columbia Yearling Ewe. Micah Thompson- Mini Lop Senior Buck. Caylee Seedorf- Reserve Brown Swiss Heifer. Dixie Dykhoff- Champion Dorset Ewe lamb. Eva Blashack- Clothes you make purple ribbon. Gabriel Thompson- Mini Lop Senior Doe. Isaac Geiser- Blue Ribbon Food and Nutrition Jaeger Schmitt, Blue ribbon Health Kara Kostohryz gives a Taekwondo Demonstration. Micah Thompson- Mini Lop Senior Buck. Moriah Geiser-Champion Columbia Yearling Ewe. Caylee Seedorf- Reserve Brown Swiss Heifer. Rowland Dykhoff- Champion all Other Breeds yearling ewe.
A total of 22 East Otter Tail County 4-H youth showed livestock at the Minnesota State Fair recently.
Youth who have completed sixth grade through a year past high school and earned a State Fair trip with their animals at the County Fair were eligible for this opportunity to show their animals at the state level.
The hard work that these youth put into working with their animals all year paid off when they earned blue, red and even many champion ribbons at the State Fair.
Livestock Results
Britney Loerzel – Purple Ribbon Registered Simmental Junior Yearling
Tayden Soma- Blue Ribbon Registered Black Angus Cow/ Calf Pair
Breanna Bunkowski- Blue Ribbon Commercial Beef Junior Yearling
Kaislyn Bunkowski- Reserve Champion Shorthorn Steer
Alyvia Bunkowski- Blue Ribbon Registered Black Angus Summer Yearling
Braeden Malone- Blue Ribbon Registered Holstein Aged Cow
Brielle Malone- Purple Ribbon Jersey 2-year-Old Cow
Brandt Malone- Blue Ribbon Red and White Aged Cow, Champion Total Merit Red and White Cow
James Minten- Blue Ribbon Grade Holstein Summer Yearling
Joie Koll- Red Ribbon Registered Holstein Winter Calf
Conrad Koll- Red Ribbon Registered Holstein Winter Calf
Creed Mursu- Red Ribbon Ayrshire Senior Yearling
Caylee Seedorf- Blue Ribbon Brown Swiss Calf, Reserve Champion Total Merit Brown Swiss Heifer
Lucey Minten- Red Ribbon Junior Yearling Meat Goat Breeding Doe
Reed Koll- Blue Ribbon Chickens- Brown Egg Layers
Arewen Dobratz- Purple Ribbon Chickens- White Egg Layers
Gabriel Thompson- Purple Ribbon Mini Lop Senior Doe
Micah Thompson- Purple Ribbon Mini Lop Senior Buck, Blue Ribbon Livestock Demonstration
Izak Schermerhorn- Champion White and Speckled Face Commercial Yearling Ewe
Dixie Dykhoff- Champion Registered Dorset Ewe Lamb
Rowland Dykhoff- Champion Registered Other Breeds Yearling Ewe, Reserve Supreme Champion Breeding Ewe
Moriah Geiser- Champion Registered Columbia Yearling Ewe
Non Livestock results
Two weeks ago, 16 East Otter Tail County 4-Hers participated in State Fair judging with their non-livestock projects. These projects were displayed in the 4-H Building on the State Fairgrounds throughout the 12 days of the Minnesota State Fair.
Youth who earned a State Fair trip with a project at the County Fair were eligible for this opportunity to showcase their learning at the state level.
Jacob Menze- Blue Ribbon Corn
Eva Blashack- Purple Ribbon Constructed Garment, Blue Ribbon Fashion Revue
Myrissa Guenther- Purple Ribbon Fashion Revue
Kara Kostohryz- Red Ribbon Demonstration
Isaac Blashack- Blue Ribbon Electric
Adyn Shepersky- Blue Ribbon Exploring Animals
Hannah Siepker- Purple Ribbon Fine Arts
Nathan Blashack- Blue Ribbon Food and Nutrition
Jaeger Schmitt- Blue Ribbon Health
Kyra Haman- Blue Ribbon Quilt
Sara Mindermann- Blue Ribbon Quilt
Breckin Foley- Red Ribbon Shop
Hannah Larson- Blue Ribbon Exploring Animals
Arewen Dobratz- Blue Ribbon Exploring the Environment
Natalie O’Day- Purple Ribbon Fine Arts
Isaac Geiser- Blue Ribbon Food and Nutrition