OTC to celebrate National 4-H week set for October 3-9
News | Published on October 8, 2021 at 2:31pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0EOT 4-H to host event on Saturday

National 4-H Week is being celebrated locally and nationally Oct. 3-9. Across the United States, 4-H empowers nearly 6 million young people through hands-on learning. In Otter Tail County, about 650 young people take part in 4-H. The organization’s impact is felt throughout the state.

For instance, last year:
• 89 percent of young people reported working with peers to address problems in their community
• More than 11,000 youth became more involved in projects focused on STEM (science, technology, engineering and math)
• 93 percent explored a new activity, project or idea
The theme for this year’s 4-H Week is “Find Your Spark!” and that’s a great way to describe how 4-H can make a positive impact on a young person’s life. 4-H is a youth-centered program, where young people can choose their interests through project work, leadership roles, and relationships with peers and supportive adults. When youth are immersed into positive 4-H programs there is an opportunity to ignite their spark.
“In Otter Tail County, we believe all young people have a spark,” said Sarah Downhour, Extension Educator and 4-H Youth Development Leader. “Through 4-H clubs, after-school programs, camps, fairs and leadership training, 4-H can be the place where young people explore and discover their spark. We encourage interested families to join.”
Join the Otter Tail County 4-H on Oct. 7 at 6 p.m., at the Fergus Falls YMCA for West Otter Tail Volunteer Training or at the East Otter Tail Extension Office Saturday, Oct. 30 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. It is required that each club have 1 adult and 1 youth representative present, but all are welcome. There is no cost. To register contact Sarah at sarahu@umn.edu