EOT 4-H attend leadership training
News | Published on November 2, 2021 at 4:06pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Camp was held at Faith Haven near Battle Lake
4-H Junior Leader Workshop (JLW)-“Ignite Your Spark” was held October 21 at Faith Haven Camp near Battle Lake.
The camp is designed to inspire and enable each participant to uncover unique abilities, develop greater confidence and master strategies for success as a leader in their 4-H program. It is essential for the future of rural communities to develop leaders to become productive and contributing individuals. A total of 60 youth in grades 6-9 attended, representing eight 4-H programs to discover their sparks and develop their leadership skills.

Youth participants are part of different planning committees. These committees are used as vehicles to empower youth to become more confident, learn to work as part of a team and to showcase their skills to others. Committee members plan activities and implement them throughout the camp. Committees are guided by Continuing Committee Members (CCM’s) who were chosen after last year’s JLW through an application process.
In addition to working in their committees, participants took part in workshops to further develop their leadership skills. Workshops included: Team building, social emotional learning, communication, problem solving, stress management, exploring the Minnesota 4-H State ambassador program and learning about themselves.
For information about 4-H contact the East Otter Tail County Extension Office at (218) 385-5420