Vacant lot donated in downtown Deer Creek
News | Published on March 8, 2022 at 4:52pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Land to be used as a parking lot

The Deer Creek City Council heard about a plan to donate a privately owned piece of land between the museum and Bootleggers Bar and Grill to the city.
By Chad Koenen
A piece of land located in the heart of downtown will soon be owned by the City of Deer Creek.
During its regularly scheduled meeting last Monday night, the Deer Creek City Council approved a resolution to accept a piece of land owned by George Lorentz. The land is located in-between the Deer Creek Museum and Bootleggers Bar and Grill in downtown Deer Creek.
The lot has been used primarily as a parking lot in the past, but has also served as a place for snow during the winter.
The city council said that some work will need to be completed to fill in some of the potholes on the property and will be primarily used as a parking lot at this time. The council said it could also use the piece of property during Deer Trails Day if the need arises.
In other news
• Heard the monthly police report from New York Mills Police Chief Bobby Berndt. The report stated the local police department logged approximately 33 hours of service in Deer Creek last month.
• Discussed purchasing a hitch and trailer for the lawn mower.
• Approved purchasing new LED lights for city clerk/treasurer Tom Parish’s office. The city also replaced the lights in the women’s bathroom at the community center with new LED lights.
• Discussed the need for new Christmas lights for the streets. The city has discussed replacing the aging lights for several years and will reach out to local groups to see if there would be funding available for such a project.
• Discussed potentially adding fireworks to the annual Deer Trails Day celebration. The event has been moved from the end of July to the end of June this year.