Star Lake bridge reconstruction and County Highway 41 detour begins April 4
News | Published on March 29, 2022 at 3:45pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
Detour route from County Highway 35 to MN State Highway 108 to bypass County Highway 41 where the bridge is closed.
The County Highway 41 bridge at Star Lake, near Dent, is set to be rebuilt beginning April 4, 2022. The bridge was set on fire in September of 2020.
The bridge will be closed for the duration of construction and the public is asked to use the traffic detour.
The new bridge will be made of concrete unlike the older bridge made of timbers. It will be built to current standards, which means the bridge will be wider (about 49 feet) and will include a walkway on each side of the bridge.
Today, new bridges are built so no weight restrictions are necessary for the bridge. The initial estimated cost is $990,000 with an anticipated state contribution of $340,000.
“Having to replace this bridge is unfortunate for our community,” said Assistant County Engineer Matt Yavarow. “This is a well-traveled route for vehicles and watercraft. We ask for patience and to avoid the channel crossing when workers are present.”
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