News | Published on March 29, 2022 at 2:55pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0The VFW Post 3289 Auxiliary meeting was held on March 10 with 14 members present.
A thank you was received from the family of Sylvia Fraki, Stamps for the Wounded, Veterans Voices Writing Project, Inc., RMHC of the Red River Valley.
Chief of Staff/Mentoring for Leadership Shirley Quist presented Celia Piippo a Good Job Award for her participation in the Stamps for the Wounded Program. She has sent in over 20,000 stamps. Donna Geiser, not present, will receive a Good Job Award for her various hours of volunteering and sewing.
The District meeting was held on March 12 in Detroit Lakes.
The group met at Shirley’s on March 20 at 3 pm. to work on year end reports.
Draping of the Charter was done for: Judy Albaugh who passed away on Jan. 312, Sylvia Fraki who passed away on eb. 3, Carolyn Bernu who passed away on Feb. 7.
The Auxiliary will provide a basket for Ways and Means at the District Meeting.
The National Presidents visit will be on April 22-24 in Dilworth. District delegates and alternates were selected. Updates were received on the local food shelf. Poppy Days will be May 20-21. Poppy displays will be highlighted at local businesses. $500.00 will be given to MAHUBE OTWA to help homeless Veterans along with Individual Auxiliary members supplying hygiene kits.
The next meeting will be on April 14th at 6 p.m.