Phelps foundation repair change order approved
News | Published on April 5, 2022 at 4:36pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0County solid waste fee hearing scheduled for OTC

A change order for repairs at Phelps Mill was recently approved by Otter Tail County Commissioners. The change order included are braces, anchors, jacks and other equipment that will be needed to complete the work.
By Tom Hintgen
Otter Tail County Correspondent
County board members, on March 29, approved a change order related to foundation repairs at Phelps will.
Included in the change order are braces, anchors, jacks and other equipment.
Most of the major work should be completed prior to the Phelps Mill arts festival in July with completion expected by September 2022.
The building will be lifted and then new piers will be created for the building to be placed back down on. The historic mill was built in 1889, so the Phelps Mill structure is now 133 years old.
Grants were provided by the state of Minnesota and the state historical society. Other money (matching dollars) comes from county taxpayers through the annual property tax levy to reach the overall cost of $984,673 for the foundation repair and related projects.
Soil and water funding supported
The five-person county board of commissioners authorized a letter to be sent to the appropriate legislative representatives on behalf of local Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) in Otter Tail County.
County board members said state financial assistance is of upmost importance to Otter Tail County landowners and local units of government.
The west SWCD office is located in Fergus Falls and the east SWCD office is located in Perham.
Each year the SWCD recognizes individuals or organizations for outstanding accomplishments in implementing conservation practices that improve and protect Otter Tail County’s natural resources.
County solid waste fee hearing scheduled
Adjustments to county solid waste management charges will be considered during a public meeting at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, April 26, in the county board room at the County Government Services Center on West Fir Avenue in Fergus Falls.
Under specific consideration will be a proposal to adjust the per parcel solid waste management service charge from $14 per point per parcel to $16 per point per parcel. The proposed change would become effective on Jan. 1, 2023.
This would result in the per household annual costs to increase from $70 to $80. It is paid through the county property tax statement.
Written testimony can be submitted to the County Administrator’s Office at 520 West Fir Ave., Fergus Falls, MN 56537. Those wishing to participate remotely can do so by contacting the County Board Secretary at (218) 998-8051.