Consider the new 4-H and FFA license plates
News | Published on April 19, 2022 at 3:56pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
The agricultural design for license plates whose proceeds will benefit 4-H and FFA members in Minnesota.
A new Minnesota license plate celebrating agriculture was unveiled in February. In 2021, the Minnesota legislation passed the approval for the creation of the new plate to support young people.
The new plate will benefit Minnesota 4-H and Future Farmers of America (FFA) members. The plate is available starting and will cost $15.50. A minimum $20 contribution is also due with plate purchase and each year afterward at vehicle registration renewal.
According to the University of Minnesota Extension the plate design was “inspired by nearly 100 sketches from 4-H’ers and FFA members, the plate draws upon imagery of both organizations. The hands holding seedlings symbolize the 4-H pledge of “my hands to larger service,” while the rising sun is a “token of a new era in agriculture” honored in FFA ceremonies.”
The license plate is an opportunity for people in Otter Tail County to show their commitment to agriculture while supporting the young leaders in local FFA and 4-H groups. Beginning April 11, 2022, the Motor Vehicle/Driver’s License center moved temporarily and is providing services at 914 E Channing. For more information visit: