NYM to add fourth section of first grade, kindergarten
News | Published on May 3, 2022 at 6:59pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Elementary enrollment rises at NYM
By Chad Koenen
New York Mills School could be adding an additional section of kindergarten and first grade in the fall.
During its regularly scheduled meeting on Monday night, the NY Mills School Board approved using Essers funding to help fund an additional kindergarten and first grade teacher next school year. The move became necessary after an influx of students in the lower grade levels.
The current kindergarten class has three sections and the hope was to divide them into four sections in the fall. Kindergarten registration was also recently held and had a high turnout for prospective students and their families. With the additional sections there will be four sections of K-3 at NY Mills School in the fall.
In addition to adding elementary staff next year, NY Mills School Superintendent Blaine Novak said the district continues to look for ways to add classrooms for the additional students and classes. He said the school district is working with a company to identify both the short term needs to find room for next year, while also looking at the potential long-term needs of the district.
In other news
• Acknowledged an $859.54 grant from Partnership4Health for the elementary greenhouse.
• Acknowledged a $6,000 donation from the New York Mills Lions Club for softball pitching machines, a $900 from the NY Mills Lions Club for the DARE Twins trip, a $600 donation from the NY Mills Lions Club for the booster club, a $1,000 from the NY Mills VFW for the DARE Twins trip and a $500 donation from the NY Mills VFW for the school after prom.
• Approved calling for bids for the NY Mills School student built house. The minimum bid will be $67,500 and bids are due by May 18.
• Approved the following resignations: Adele Mann as paraprofessional, Trudy Irons as cheer advisor, Larry Bessler as bus driver, Shirley Kalina as ECFE teacher, Claire Nelson as elementary teacher, Jared Hotakainen as junior high football coach and Shawn Preston as custodian.
• Approved a change in the school calendar to decrease student contact days to 171 days during the 2021-22 school year. Due to an usually high amount of snow days this year, school board members opted to forgive one day of school for students and make May 31 a teacher workshop day. As a result, the final student contact day for school will be May 27 as originally scheduled.