NYM students receive over $231,000 in scholarships
News | Published on May 10, 2022 at 6:42pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Fourteen juniors inducted in NYM National Honor Society

Vice Commander Jerry Anderson awards Jane Gudmundson with a scholarship on Friday.
New York Mills School held its annual scholarship and awards program on Friday afternoon at the school.
In addition to awarding $231,050 in scholarships, 14 students were inducted into the NY Mills National Honor Society. Those new members include:
• Allison Anderson, who is the daughter of Jessica and Austin Anderson. Allison’s pledge is to help with youth events at her church.
• Bella Bauck, who is the daughter of Teri and Mike Bauck. Bella’s pledge is to help with meals on wheels to serve our community.
• Aidyn Baune, who is the daughter of Tara and Charly Baune. Aidyn’s pledge is to help with youth events at Trinity Lutheran Church.
• Vice President, Rowland Dykhoff, who is the son of Dinee and Gordon Dykhoff. Rowland’s pledge is to be a Sunday school leader at his church and serve on Sundays.

• Brayden Ehnert, who is the son of Kristina and Rick Ehnert. Brayden’s pledge is to help with youth baseball.
• Audrey Irons, who is the daughter of Trudy and Marty Irons. Audrey’s pledge is to help keep our community clean by picking up trash through the adopt a highway program.
• Abigail Johnston, who is the daughter of Jennifer and Scott Johnston. Abigail’s pledge is to help with any activities at her church, Blowers Chapel, to volunteer at Camp JIM this summer, and to help with Santa Anonymous.
• President, Kailey Keskitalo, who is the daughter of Melissa and Chad Keskitalo. Kailey’s pledge is to coach and help out with elementary girls sports teams to teach them to be a good teammate and how to play the game.
• Macy Koljonen, who is the daughter of Stephanie and Gerald Koljonen. Macy’s pledge is to volunteer for Santa Anonymous and school tutoring.
• Jessica Lenz, who is the daughter of Sara and Stephen Lenz. Jessica’s pledge is to recruit new NYM speech members in order to have a sufficient number of people after she graduates to keep the activity going for future students.

• Jaida Newborg, who is the granddaughter of Sandy Brill. Jaida’s pledge is to help with the elementary volleyball program and be the student coordinator for the American Red Cross Blood Drives.
• Kali Olson, who is the daughter of Tammy and Bryan Olson. Kali’s pledge is to help with elementary volleyball.
• Isaac Page, who is the son of Alicia and Toby Page. Isaac’s pledge is to continue to volunteer his time as a elementary bible school crew leader at Trinity Lutheran Church.
• Maya Radniecki, Daughter of Julie and Matt Radniecki. Maya’s pledge is to continue to help out with elementary sports and keep kids active.
Students who were recognized for excellence in each academic department include: Mr. Jabas (Moriah Geiser), Mr. Schornack (Irene Mursu, Dane Niemi), Mr. Schulz (Aliya Gerber), Mr. Boe (Breck Hensch) and Mrs. Dresser (Ariel Arno).
New York Mills Lions Club $500 award winners include: Jacob Guck, Jonah Johnson, Ariel Arno, Aliya Gerber, Alexa Graphenteen, MacKenzie Gilster.
Charles D Center Post 3289 VFW Scholarship Fund $500 winners include: Moriah Geiser, Aliya Gerber, Bren Salo, Mairyn Erp, Natalie Pederson, Henry Sobieski, Dane Niemi, Jane Gudmundson.
Royale B. and Eleanor M. Arvig Memorial Scholarship for $750 a year for four years went to Ashley Kassa.
The Brunswick New York Mills Operation Scholarship $1,000 scholarship was awarded to Natalie Pederson.

The Bluffton Lions Scholarship $300 scholarship was awarded to Ariel Arno.
New York Mills Education Minnesota Union Teachers for Education Scholarship $500 scholarship was awarded to Bren Salo and Tate Olson.
Jennie-O Turkey Store Scholarship for $1,000 was awarded to Irene Mursu.
Steen Mursu Memorial Scholarship Lakeview Trust and Estate Law, PLLC $500 scholarship was awarded to Jacob Guck.
The Myron A. Pauna Memorial Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Lacey Seim.
The Arnold Weller Memorial Wrestling $250 scholarship was awarded to Dane Niemi.
Mike Rhode Spirit Scholarship for $1,500 was awarded to Lacey Seim.
Tri-County Health Care Scholarship for $1,000 was awarded to Jack Peeters.
Perham Masonic Lodge Scholarships for $1,000 was awarded to Irene Mursu, Jacob Guck.
East Otter Tail County Breakfast on the Farm Scholarship for $250 was awarded to Irene Mursu, Megan Reidel.
East Otter Tail MN Deer Hunters 2022 Scholarship Recipients for $500 was awarded to Ariel Arno and Natalie Pederson.
Perham Sportsmans Club $500 scholarships were awarded to Moriah Geiser, Aliya Gerber and Jacob Guck.
Ottertail Lions Scholarships for $1,000 was awarded to Jade Ard, Ariel Arno, Mairyn Erp, Aliya Gerber, Moriah Geiser, Jacob Guck, Alexa Graphenteen, Breck Hensch, Chloe Koljonen, Irene Mursu, Megan Riedel, Bren Salo, Henry Sobieski and Lacey Seim.
Ottertail Rod and Gun Club $1,000 scholarships was awarded to Jacob Guck and Ariel Arno.
The Angel Streese Salthe Memorial Scholarship $500 was awarded to Abigail Brown.
Lake Region Electric Cooperative $500 scholarship was awarded to Dane Niemi.
The Harold N. Wood Memorial Scholarship for $100 was awarded to Jack Peeters.
Lowell Dreyer Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Moriah Geiser
The Mary E. Driessen Memorial Fund scholarship for $750 was awarded to Jasmyn Olson.
The Gary Maki Memorial Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Jonah Johnson.
The Marjorie Weir Hanson RN Nursing Scholarship for $400 was awarded to Aliya Gerber.
The Harley and Verna Windels Memorial Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Jane Gudmundson, Hayley Hudalla, Bren Salo, Alexa Graphenteen, Jasmyn Olson, Aliya Gerber, Moriah Geiser, Hunter Fitzgerald, Jack Peeters and Megan Riedel.
The Julia Krekula-Gray scholarship for $500 was awarded to Breydon Holtti.
Janis Mae Isaacson Scholarship for $100 was awarded to Jane Gudmundson .
New York Mills School Board and Lakes Country Service Cooperative Scholarship for $200 was awarded to Moriah Geiser, Aliya Gerber, Ariel Arno, Bren Salo and Irene Mursu.
The Jaakola Family Health Career Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Breck Hensch.
The J. Eric Anderson Excellence in Education Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Bren Salo.
The Anderson Memorial Scholarship was awarded to MacKenzie Gilster ($500) and $300 was awarded to Sawyer Wedde, Braxton Saewert and Tate Olson.
The Footprints Foundation Scholarship for $400 was awarded to Hayley Hudalla and Mairyn Erp.
The Paatola Memorial Agriculture Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Moriah Geiser.
The Perham Rotary Scholarship for $1,250 was awarded to Moriah Geiser.
The Gibb’s #10 Transportation Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Aiden Tumberg.
The Ruby Olsen-Sifritson Scholarship for $500 was awarded to Breck Hensch, Jonah Johnson, Bren Salo and Ariel Arno.
American Red Cross Blood Drive Scholarship for $1,000 was awarded to Aliya Gerber.
The KLN scholarship for $500 was awarded to Jasmyn Olson, Bryan Bohn and Chloe Koljonen.
The New York Mills Civic Excellence Award for $400 was awarded to Rowland Dykoff.
Irene Mursu has been awarded the Maverick Scholarship Award for $1,500 as well as a RaiseMe scholarship for $500 from Minnesota State University Mankato.
Ariel Arno has been issued an $18,000 per year academic scholarship from Oregon State University.
Jasmyn Olson has been issued an $18,000 per year Academic Achievement Scholarship from the College of Saint Benedict.
Tate Olson has been awarded a $19,000 per year athletic scholarship from Bemidji State University as well as a $2,000 academic scholarship.
Hayley Hudalla has received a $5,000 Academic Achievement Scholarship from Bemidji State University.
Jade Ard has been issued the Presidential Scholarship of $12,000 over the course of four years at NDSU.
Bren Salo has been awarded an $8,000 academic scholarship from NDSU.
Jonah Johnson has received the Saint Scholastica Benedictine scholarship for $28,000 a year.
Lacey Seim has been awarded a $7,000 academic scholarship from Minnesota State University Moorhead.
Moriah Geiser has been awarded a $500 scholarship from the Fargo Forum, the Brunswick Foundation Sons and Daughters Scholarship for $3,000 and the Jackrabbit Guarantee Scholarship from South Dakota State University for $16,000.
MacKenzie Gilster has been awarded a $1,000 NDSU Academic Scholarship.
Aliya Gerber has been issued the Brunswick Foundation Sons and Daughters Scholarship for $3,000.
Ashley Kassa has received the Best of Class Scholarship from the University of Minnesota for $24,000.
Alexa Graphenteen has been awarded the NDSU Presidential Honor Award for $8000 as well as the Sheila and Robert Challey Institute Scholarship for $1,000.