News | Published on May 24, 2022 at 8:07pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0The VFW Post 3289 Auxiliary meeting was held on May 12th with 18 members present and 1 guest.
There was one petition for transfer of membership.
Our Auxiliary received the following awards at Loyalty Days in Bemidji on April 30: 1st place Auxiliary Community Outreach; 1st place Veterans and Family Support; Participation in the Buddy Poppy/Hospital Programs Joint Project Valentines for Veterans; Outstanding District 9 Buddy Poppy Display Participation; Good Job Award for Historian/Media Relations; Good Job Award Chief of Staff; Good Job Award Mentoring for Leadership.
We will arrange to play Bingo at Mills Manor in NYM.
Local Awards for the Red, White, and Blue Singing Contest are to be given out.
The Auxiliary will provide breakfast on June 12 for the RMH Ride.
Celia, Shirley, Barb attended the National President Visit on 4/23 in Dilworth.
Poppy Days will be on May 20-21.
June Convention is June 9-12 in St Cloud.
Amanda, Celia, Shirley, Barb attended Loyalty Days in Bemidji on 4-30-22.
Draping of the Charter was done for Georgia Bentley who passed away on May 6.
Our Auxiliary will provide a basket for ways and means at June Convention.
The next Auxiliary meeting will be on Wednesday, June 8th at 6pm due to June Convention.
A total of $400 will be given to the New York Mills Trap Team. 2-$250.00 cancer grants will be awarded.
Memorial Day program plans were discussed. The Auxiliary will provide bars at the Post.