County Courthouse, GSC renovations authorized
News | Published on May 31, 2022 at 6:53pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Renovations to include Government Services Center in Fergus Falls

By Tom Hintgen
Otter Tail County Correspondent
County board members have approved authorization of renovations in the county courthouse south of downtown Fergus Falls and at the county Government Services Center in the northwest section of Fergus Falls, just west of the former RTC campus,
The bid award went to Eagle Construction Company, Inc. of Little Falls, at a bid of $1.9 million. The anticipated completion date is Jan. 2, 2023.
Remodeling includes the Probation and Child Support offices at the courthouse and Motor Vehicle/Driver License and Land and Resources at the Government Services Center.
The county previously bonded for these renovations.
Motor Vehicle/Driver License and Land and Resources are temporarily located at 914 East Channing, the former Daily Journal building, on Pebble Lake Road on the east side of Fergus Falls, just north of Minnesota Motor.
Traffic marking
County commissioners have approved the 2022 county-wide traffic marking bid award to Traffic Marking Service, Inc. of Maple Lake, Minnesota. They came in with the lowest bid amount of $386,367 as recommended by the County Engineer Chuck Grotte.
County highway updates
Otter Tail County Engineer Chuck Grotte has provided a brief Highway Department update regarding current planning, construction and maintenance.
County employees have been working with transportation consultants to update project status regarding the 2040 Transportation Plan.
Grotte also gave updates on bids for County Highways 8 and 67 and reconstruction of County Highway 34 once restrictions lift.
Highway 35 segment reconstruction from Underwood to Highway 18 is pushed back with bids taken this fall and the project starting in spring 2023. Bridges on County Highways 35 and 41 are currently underway.
Grotte noted that his department hosted Minnesota roadway maintenance training on May 19. There were 125 people registered. He also announced Colby Palmersheim as the new County Ditch Inspector.