Summer building projects continue at NYM School
News | Published on June 30, 2022 at 7:16pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0New flooring in commons, sports center
By Chad Koenen
Summer construction projects are underway at New York Mills School.
During its regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, the NY Mills School Board heard an update on summer construction projects at the school.
Among the projects is redoing the gym floor, which will have an updated stained look to parts of the floor, as well as new flooring in the school commons.
The projects are expected to be completed in time for the start of school in the fall.
In other news
• Accepted the following donations: $2,000 from the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association for the trap team, $750 from Brunswick/Lunds for the trap team, $500 from Viking Coca Cola for the scholarship fund and $1,500 from the VFW Post 3289 for the trap team.
• Approved the following appointments: Sam Lachowitzer for ECFE, Steve Oehlenschlager as a long-term substitute for high school science, Brandy Kinsbury as a long-term substitute for high school English, Lisa Bakka as a long-term substitute for elementary, Dinee Dykhoff as a long-term substitute for elementary, Mike Baune as a long-term substitute for elementary and Virginia Olson as a special education teacher.
• Approved the resignation of Dana Kennedy as a part-time bookkeeper.
• Approved a school board work session for July 11 at 4:30 p.m.
• Approved calling for a public hearing on the approval of a tax abatement for a multi-family housing development. The meeting will be held prior to the start of the July 25 school board meeting.
• Approved an interim budget for the 2022-23 school year. The budget shows revenue in the general fund of $9.6 million and expenditures of $10.2 million. Business manager Marsha Maki said the interim budget will be fluid throughout the year.