Holistic wellness center opens at Grass Roots
News | Published on July 12, 2022 at 5:09pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0S’reenhouse to offer yoga classes, small-group yoga therapy

Newly available, S’reenHouse, is an open-air shelter tucked in a quiet back corner of Grass Roots in Ottertail. S’reenHouse opened its stately, reclaimed barn door on Saturday, June 25 for the public to get their first peak inside.
After Saturday’s open house at the new outdoor holistic wellness center at Grass Roots, the public got the first look at the transformation of an old and unused screened-in building. Even greater was the excitement for the intended use of the open-air facility.
The quaint space is the new home to a consortium of practitioners in various holistic health and healing modalities who will offer a variety of classes, workshops and one-on-one experiences throughout the summer, giving rise to its name, S’reenHouse, a novel play on the words “serene” and “greenhouse”.
S’reenHouse currently offers yoga classes with newly certified Yoga Therapist, Michelle Harding, on Saturday’s and small-group Yoga Therapy the first week of the month and by appointment.
Energy Healing with Holly Burke and Human Design assessments can be booked by appointment as well. Look forward to upcoming sound bath rituals, massage, Reiki, and various courses including: art class for adults and children, herbals, Ayervedic lifestyle, chakra balance and crystals. There will also be presentations and lectures by experts and volunteers on eco-friendly topics such as pollinators, micro-green growing and sustainable living.
All class offerings can be found at “Screen House” on Facebook and yoga information is also available by calling or texting “yoga” to (612) 251-0768.
Practitioners in other holistic health and healing arts interested in offering their services through S’reen House at Grass Roots are encouraged to contact S’reen House by sending a message on Facebook.