Giving pets a place to call home
News | Published on August 23, 2022 at 6:39pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Volunteers to raise money for new dog park in NYM

A fundraising effort is underway to construct a new dog park near the Hidden Trails Park in New York Mills. The group hopes to raise all of the money necessary to bring the park to town.
Tucker Henderson
A dog park is the next potential addition to New York Mills city parks. A group approached the NY Mills City Park Board in late June, wanting to spearhead the fundraising for a dog park with a proposed location of Southside Park (also known as Hidden Trails Park). The estimated cost for the park would be $40,000 with $30,000 for fencing. If the funds could be raised to 75 percent of the total, the project could go forward with the City Council’s approval.
Centennial Realty offered to host the fundraising. If the 75 percent quota cannot be reached or the project is not approved by the city council and a solution cannot be found, the funds raised will go towards new playground equipment in the various city parks.
The proposed dog park area would be close to the shelter at Southside Park so that water access is available for watering any dogs that come for a visit. The NY Mills Park Board stipulated that Southside Park would need to retain enough room for community members to play kickball and other games in the adjacent field.
During the August 16 NY Mills City Council meeting, concerns were raised over the safety of the Hidden Trails neighborhood with the addition of a dog park. Hidden Trails community member Jean Wallgren submitted an agenda request for the meeting to discuss safety over the potential dog park and a few other community members from Hidden Trails also attended the meeting to voice their concerns.
“I just don’t think there is enough space there to have a good dog park,” said Wallgren. “If you’re going to have a dog park, they should be able to run a long distance. The park in Hidden Trails already has a playground area, it has a shelter for picnics, and there is a ball diamond, as well as four houses in that circle.”
The park will include fencing and an opportunity for activities and exercising for four-legged friends from throughout the area.
Bonnie Dykhoff, owner of Centennial Realty, said that the NY Mills City Council and the park board will both be holding meetings to discuss the concerns brought up at the August city council meeting which will include consideration of alternate park locations.