Shed is located on northwest corner of new development

Photo by Tucker Henderson
A shed and lean-to located on the northwest corner of the Southpoint property was a topic of discussion between the EDA members in September. The city is looking for someone to remove it.

By Tucker Henderson


The New York Mills EDA was not able to have a formal meeting last week due to a lack of a quorum. As a result, an informal discussion took place and no decisions were made regarding any EDA topics.

The NYM 2025 committee is still awaiting word on the Rise Grant. Also eligible for the Blandin grant, the committee will work on a proposal for that as well.

A Facebook post suggesting a laundromat in town was made after the Downtown Revitalization Committee meeting recently. This idea, as well as others are being shared via social media in hopes to bring such services to town. 

The 110 South Main building (former Southside Grocery) and the 32 Main Avenue North (former Bake Shoppe) building are possible locations for these business ideas.

The former bakery building has been sold and the new owner has started the process of renovating the building so that it can be used for updated business space.

Heard that the grain bin on the Southpoint property has been removed after bids were made for its removal. The shed on the property still needs to be removed.

Also heard that the proposed dog park will be located in the northwest corner of the Southpoint property.

The next meeting will be held in October.