School board sets preliminary tax levy for 2023

By Chad Koenen


A lack of employees has been a continual issue for employers across the country of late. The New York Mills School District is no exception as the school board officially approved the hiring of three paraprofessionals last week. However, the NY Mills School Board learned the school district could use at least four more paraprofessionals to add to the staff.

During its regularly scheduled meeting last week, the NY Mills School Board heard from NY Mills High School Principal Michelle Young who said the district is working through a shortage of both substitute teachers and paraprofessionals. She told the school board that even if people were willing to sub or work at the school part-time, the district would be able to work with their schedules in order to provide additional support at the school.

NY Mills Superintendent Blaine Novak said the school district could hire four more paraprofessionals and still be short staffed. As a result, he said the district will be looking to constantly hire additional staff members as they are able to find applicants. 

While the school district accepted the resignations of Jason Hoaby as technology assistant, Michaela Smith as paraprofessional and Cody Geiser as CloseUp Advisor, the school district approved several hirings last week. Among the hirings was Jessica Masloski as cheer advisor, Jason Boe as CloseUp Advisor, Marissa Witt as a paraprofessional for two days a week, Sheila Piippo as a paraprofessional and Josh Tabery as a volunteer coach for cross country.

In addition to the staff changes, the school board approved setting the 2023 proposed tax levy at the maximum, which was currently showing a 3.74 percent increase. The preliminary tax levy can be decreased before it is finalized, but not increased later this year.

In other news

• Heard an update on a lease between the City of NY Mills and the NY Mills School District for parks and ball fields. The agreement laid out who was responsible for cleaning up places like Lund Park for school activities, as well as summer activities that may not be directly associated with the school.

• Accepted the following donations: $2,500 from Magnifi for a scoreboard sponsorship, $2,000 from Womenade, a 550 Utility Oliver Tractor from John Bendix, $480 from the NY Mills VFW for bandwagon and $600 from the NY Mills Education Foundation for the media center.