Local hunters find success during opening weekend
News | Published on November 8, 2022 at 3:55pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
Contributed photos
Despite windy and cold conditions, area hunters found quite a bit of success in the field during the opening weekend of the deer rifle season. Do you have a trophy buck or doe picture? If so, feel free to email it to news@nymdispatch.com and the picture will be featured in an upcoming issue of the Dispatch. Above: Paul Hoyhtya of New York Mills shot this large buck during the opening weekend. Middle: Parker Hendrickx, age 13, shot this 5-point buck while hunting with his grandpa Don Hendrickx. Below left: Emily Peeters, age 10, shot this buck during the opening weekend of hunting. Right: Finn Costin shot this doe during the youth hunt in October. Bottom: Garrett Uselman shot his first deer during the opening weekend of hunting.