Aubrey Barthel shot this 8-point buck south of New York Mills during the deer hunting season.Paul Hoyhtya shot this large buck during the deer rifle season. Middle above: Shawn Aanenson shot this 8-point buck near Big Pine Lake.Caitilin Reitmeyer shot this 9-point buck during the deer hunting season.Caitilin Reitmeyer shot this doe during the deer hunting season.Shanetta Reitmeyer shot this 8-point buck during the deer hunting season this fall. Davidrah Reitmeyer shot this doe during the deer hunting season. Damien LeRoux, age 10, harvested this buck west of New York Mills.Ellyana Ruther shot this buck during the opening morning of the deer hunting seasonJoe Schornack shot this 9-point buck by Big Pine Lake during the fall hunting season.Kerrie Steinbach shot this 13-point buck during the second weekend of deer hunting in rural New York Mills. Paxton Hendrickx, age 11, shot this spike buck in Hillview. Eric Olsen shot this large buck during the deer hunting season. Sawyer Anderson shot this large buck during the deer hunting season.Shawn Aaneson shot this buck during the deer hunting season.