NYM EDA looks at needs for upcoming year
News | Published on November 22, 2022 at 3:48pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0EDA expresses a need for economic developer, grant writer
By Tucker Henderson
The New York Mills EDA held its monthly meeting last week and discussed city updates and downtown revitalization.
The need for an economic developer was emphasized as ideas for development are abundant, as well as community enthusiasm. The RISE Grant which the city has applied for the past few years would cover the city’s funding for this position, but the most recent application was rejected.
The EDA board is confident, however, that they are getting closer to the right criteria for subsequent applications.
Another need is for a grant writer to increase the success of future grants, including next year’s RISE Grant. There is one candidate that will be contacted about the need, as they have shown interest in recent months. Other community members that have experience with grant writing are welcomed to inquire at the City offices about the opportunity.
As the Downtown Revitalization Committee of the NYM 2025 plan also met last week, ideas for new business ventures around town are abundant. The EDA is trying to narrow down the ideas to the few that already have traction. A laundromat idea as well as a dog groomer idea have had interested parties in recent months as well and they will be the ideas that the EDA board will pursue for the time being.
The question, “What is New York Mills’ niche?” is a driving thought behind future development and revitalization of NY Mills. The idea is to focus on what is unique to NY Mills and to showcase the parts of the community that can’t be found anywhere else nearby.
Latham Hetland gave a NYM 2025 update. The executive committee has met again after a long hiatus and has been discussing which of their goals have been completed, are in process, and goals for the future. A NYM 2030 plan is one of the next steps.
Julie Roberts provided a South Point update. The 60-unit apartment building is not scheduled to begin construction until next spring. A road and utilities will be coming through the addition as well. Organizers for a dog park anticipated for the northwestern corner of South Point are fundraising for the park and has given positive feedback in the past few weeks.
Also heard that the annexation of Newtonville is being processed as paperwork is still being drawn up to complete the annexation.
The next meeting will be held before the Christmas holiday on Wednesday, Dec. 21 at 8:30 a.m. in the city offices.