Local scout sells Christmas trees
News | Published on December 8, 2022 at 5:43pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Trees are available while they last at Helmbrecht home in NYM

Wyatt Helmbrecht stands in front of his Christmas trees on display in New York Mills that he is selling for his Boy Scout Troop.
By Tucker Henderson
If you’re looking for a real Christmas tree this year, look no further than 229 South Main Avenue in New York Mills.
NY Mills student Wyatt Helmbrecht is selling genuine Christmas trees at his home just north of the Apostolic Lutheran Church and has the perfect five to six foot tree for local homes this year.
“This is our second year selling them in town. Usually we sell them at Fleet in Wadena, but since we knew there was nowhere in Mills that offered real trees, he offered to sell some at the house.”
Jessica Helmbrecht, Wyatt Helmbrecht’s mother
Wyatt has been a Scout for six years, starting in Cub Scouts while in kindergarten. He belongs to the Wadena Boy Scout Troop 54. Now in his second year as a Boy Scout, Wyatt is more than happy to sell Christmas trees at home, acting as a satellite location for the rest of the troop who sells in Wadena.
“The troop as a whole sells trees, but Wyatt is the only scout in the troop that brings them home and sells them,” said Jessica. “This way it gives people a chance locally that want a real Christmas tree but don’t have that opportunity, to get one.”
Though there are only a limited number available in town, the Helmbrechts are able to bring in more depending on demand.
“Wyatt usually sells eight to ten here and he can get more if needed,” said Jessica. “As a whole troop, they can sell 100 trees. They take turns working a four hour shift in Wadena selling trees.”
Boy Scouts is more than just selling Christmas trees though. Wyatt says that he really enjoys the different activities and opportunities that wouldn’t normally be available for him to go and do throughout the year.
“Going on trips, meeting new friends. Doing stuff that you wouldn’t do usually.”
Wyatt Helmbrecht listed his favorite parts of being a Boy Scout
He mentioned that the proceeds from these trees help cover the cost of camping trips, supplies and other necessities for the troop.
Jessica also mentioned that the trees are all sourced locally, from a Christmas tree farm near Perham. She said that she is available at the house all day in case someone wants to stop in to purchase one, but early evenings and weekends are the best time to stop by. Trees cost only $50 and are pre-wrapped to easily fit inside or on top of your car. All proceeds benefit the Wadena Boy Scout Troop 54.