NYM VFW, wrestling team host big buck, big doe contest
News | Published on December 8, 2022 at 5:13pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
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The 2022 New York Mills wrestling big buck/big doe contest was held at the NY Mills VFW recently. Organizers wanted to thank all of the sponsors, volunteers, the NY Mills VFW and everyone who came out to support the wrestling program.A total of 26 gun winners were announced during the contest. Big buck contest winners included (above): 1. Chad Huebsch 163 7/8, 2. Tanner Wegscheid 153 7/8 and 3. Red Jacobson 138 4/8. Big doe contest winners included (top left): 1. Jeremy Brockphaler 152.46 lbs, 2. Hank Meech 151.24 lbs and 3. Ron Doll 150.14 lbs. Prize winners included: Gordy Dykhoff, sponsorship prize; Pete Mindermann, muzzleloader; Paul Lubitz, muzzleloader; Emily Schmitz, 1/4 beef; Jessica Meyers, ladies package and Brent Steinbach, Muddy Deer stand.