Forging a new future in manufacturing
News | Published on December 20, 2022 at 4:11pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Lunds creates new partnership to showcase manufacturing in OTC

Lunds in New York Mills has created a new partnership with Otter Tail County for schools and students to explore manufactoring careers near home.
A new partnership between Lund Boats and Otter Tail County is in place for schools and students to be able to explore manufacturing careers right here in New York Mills.
Lunds has been working on the partnership for the past few years and this year, a youth workforce initiative was implemented to expand the partnership throughout the county to create opportunities between schools and businesses. These opportunities are intended to expose high school students to local career options within their own backyard.
“They may have not realized (these careers) existed so close to home,” said Amy Johnson of Cardinal Consulting Solution. Amy works with Lunds on this partnership project.
Students in NY Mills and throughout Otter Tail County are able to call the NY Mills facility or an online directory is also available through Students, teachers, and parents are all able to search for career experiences filtered by engagement types, interest, and zip code.
“Brunswick offers so many different career opportunities that is shows up for many queries,” said Johnson. “The student can click on the contact name at the company and it will instantly generate an email. One click contact!”
An importance on keeping business local to NY Mills is a belief held by Lund Boats and the local management. Hiring students from local communities helps fulfill that mission.
“This is so important to us,” said Carlye Carlson, Human Resources Manager at Lunds in NY Mills. “These relationships and community partnerships are a big foundation for us and investing in our future workforce is essential.”
Johnson mentioned that this program is ongoing and will be available for future students as well as current students of local high schools.
“The youth workforce initiative at the county level is to build these bridges and kick start the process,” said Johnson. “Our coalition of businesses and schools, and the K12 Navigator, are intended to carry the program beyond the grant funded life cycle. This has been done successfully in other parts of the state, and Otter Tail County’s stakeholders have already proven that they are more than ready to bring success to this program here in our region.”
Carlson emphasizes the benefits for local students who utilize this partnership opportunity, besides the bonus of some extra spending money.
“The biggest benefit is getting real life experience in manufacturing and exposure to what future opportunities could be after high school,” said Carlson. “I am so thrilled to be able to welcome schools and youth into our business. The opportunities of manufacturing are amazing and so much more than one initially imagines. I am excited to work with the students to get their feedback and help develop them as they start to explore the next steps in their lives.”