Legried pool receives $75,000 grant for repairs
News | Published on January 16, 2023 at 9:35pm GMT+0000 | Author: Tucker Henderson
0Blandin Grant to work as seed money for expansive NYM pool project

Lifeguards at Legried Community Pool in New York Mills wrapped up another busy season this past summer. A grant from the Blandin Foundation could result in some much needed repairs at the busy pool.
By Chad Koenen
A long-planned project to repair and update the Legried Community Pool in New York Mills took a big step forward on Tuesday night. ¶ During its regularly scheduled meeting, the NY Mills City Council heard that the city received $75,000 in seed money for a capital campaign. The overall project to repair and update the pool is estimated to cost around $250,000, but city clerk Julie Roberts said that amount could provide some new features to the pool as well. ¶ “What we are trying to get to is $250,000 for some repairs and some updates for equipment,” she said. “If we can get to $250,000 that could potentially get us into some fun things (to add).” ¶ The city council has discussed the need to make some expansive repairs at the pool for quite some time and the goal of the Blandin grant is to provide the start of a capital campaign that could help to enhance an important part of the community during the summer months. ¶ “It is such a focal point of our community in the summer. It provides a lot for our community,” said Roberts.

The New York Mills pool is a popular place for children and adults of all ages throughout the summer. The city has recently received a $75,000 grant for much needed repairs at the facility.
In other news
• Heard the monthly liquor store report which showed that net revenues for the month of December were down 7.25 percent as a percentage of sales from last year and the combined gross sales for the month were up 16 percent from the prior year.
• Heard the monthly report from the NY Mills Fire Department, which showed that the department responded to 22 calls for the month and 232 calls for 2022.
• Heard the NY Mills Police Department responded to 91 calls for service in December, wrote two citations and made two arrests. The report stated the police department has been enforcing the 24 hour parking ordinance after snow storms and issued seven written warnings in December. There was also one vehicle that was towed.
• Heard that Thein Well has started rehab work on the oldest drinking water well in NY Mills. This work is to try and extend the life of the 51-year-old well. After that well is completed, Thein Well will perform the same work with the same exaction on the other well that is 57-years-old. Typically life expectancy of a municipal well is less than 50 years.
• Heard the utility department has removed snow from the library roof to try and eliminate ice dams. There was also a reported leak in the rubber roof on the City Center boiler building. The county has reportedly never replaced the roof of the boiler building, but has tried to patch the roof over the years. In his report, Public Works Director Kyle Mattson said the roof should be replaced soon.
• Heard a concern from Amy Tervola Hultberg about the need for more communication and transparency from the City of NY Mills moving forward in regards to city council action. She said a majority of residents in Newtonville had concerns about being annexed into the city limits.
• Heard how the taxes for the recently annexed Newtonville will be divided up between the township and city for the next three years. Roberts said the taxes paid by residents in Newtonville in 2023 reflect the numbers provided in 2022 and will be paid to Newton Township. In 2024 the taxes paid by residents in Newtonville will be paid to the City of NY Mills. In both 2024 and 2025 the City of NY Mills will pay Newton Township a $1,000 stipend for the taxes the township will be losing from the annexed properties, before all of the taxes will be kept with the City of NY Mills in 2026. City services will be provided to the residents beginning in 2023.
• Acknowledged a $10,000 donation from Brunswick for the Lund Park project, a $1,000 donation from Centennial Realty for the dog park project, a $500 from the Lakes Area Coop for the dog park project and a $250 donation from the NY Mills Lions Club for the NY Mills Fire Department.
• Approved advertising for bids for 33 acres of land for hay ground at South Point.
• Approved an increase in utility rates for the upcoming year. The water rates were increased 3 percent, gas base rate was increased 5 percent and the sewer rate base rate will see no change. Roberts said it has been a number of years since some of the base utility rates have been increased.