New York Mills EDA elects new officers
News | Published on January 24, 2023 at 4:35pm GMT+0000 | Author: Tucker Henderson
The Legried Pool in New York Mills received a $75,000 grant from the Blandin Foundation for updates and upgrades planned by the city of New York Mills.
By Tucker Henderson
The Economic Development Authority board met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 18 to elect new officers and discuss economic development in the city.
Two officer changes were made with the election of Betsy Roder as president and Bonnie Dykhoff as assistant treasurer. Re-elected board members included Amy Sobieski as secretary, Latham Hetland as treasurer, Marsha Maki as vice president, and Blaine Novak.
Julie Roberts announced to the board that a Blandin Grant for $75,000 had been received by the City of NY Mills and would be going towards the Legried Pool for needed maintenance and updates. She said that Kyle Mattson, Public Works and Utility Director, had put together a plan for updating the pool that would cost $250,000 in total.
Roberts said that she would be working on a capital contribution campaign to raise the rest of the sum needed for the pool plan. She also mentioned that the plan that was proposed by Mattson would include some much needed care for the pool, showers, and office as well as some “fun things” added to the pool area after the maintenance and updates are completed.
Hetland said that the last capital contribution campaign for the Legried Pool was completed 20 years ago in 2003.
In other news
• There is development interest in several areas of NY Mills. Roberts said that she has been speaking with someone interested in building a home in the Country View addition which has 15 lots available for building homes.
• An interested party has also stepped forward to inquire about the 110 South Main building (former Southside Grocery) and Roberts will be providing them with information and answering questions for a potential business. The EDA currently manages the property.
• Two local individuals are also interested in bringing a laundromat back to NY Mills and have been looking into different options for locations and building possibilities.
• The executive committee of NYM2025 has been meeting regularly and is looking forward to the future of the organization. The Community Revitalization committee is also meeting and providing important ideas to the executive and steering committees as well.
• The annexation of Newtonville properties has been approved and was recorded with Otter Tail county on Dec. 21, 2022, which completed the process of the annexation. Roberts mentioned that the city has started snow removal and tree trimming in that newest part of the city.
• Bidding has started on the South Point infrastructure which will be installed this spring.
• Roberts also mentioned that the City of NY Mills paid out their first rebates to home builders in December, which is a part of an ongoing program to promote new homes in New York Mills.