News | Published on February 28, 2023 at 5:27pm GMT+0000 | Author: Tucker Henderson
0The VFW Post 3289 Auxiliary met February 9 with 11 members present.
Minutes from the January 12 meeting were approved, and the January 31 Treasurer’s Report was filed subject to audit.
The General Orders Bulletin for February 2023 from the Department President was read and discussed. Upcoming events are the State Convention in June and National Convention in July. Thank you cards and letters were received from the Fergus Falls Veterans Home, Lenny and Barb Puckett, and Mrs. Ardner Anderson.
Committee reports were given. Mid-Winter Conference was last month. Our Auxiliary donated 23 caps, 6 pairs of mittens, 5 pairs of gloves and 1 scarf to the VFW National Home. We won first place in the Department Poppy Display Contest for Public Promotion. We need five members to maintain membership at 100 percent. We made more than 100 Valentine cards to distribute to residents at the Fergus Falls Veterans Home and members of our Auxiliary who are in nursing homes. National Salute to Veterans Patients Week is February 12-18. Auxiliary members should keep track of and report their time making quilts and other home sewing projects for Veterans Hospitals and Homes.
Scholarships and Youth Activities include the Young American Creative Patriotic Art contest, the 3-Dimensional Patriotic Art contest, the Red, White & Blue Singing contest and the Illustrating America Art contest. Entries for all contests are due to the Auxiliary by March 31.
Other business
• The District Meeting Committee met February 2 to begin planning for the District 9 Meeting for Post and Auxiliary, which will be held on March 11 at the VFW in New York Mills. Discussed a tentative schedule with volunteer opportunities, setup and layout of tables for registration, meetings, meals, raffle baskets, auction items and other needs. Volunteers are needed beginning at 8 a.m. The event begins with registration at 9 a.m. and will conclude at 3 p.m. Auxiliary members may donate quality items for the auction and baskets for the raffle. The committee will meet again on March 2, and volunteers will meet on March 9 before the Auxiliary meeting to assemble napkin rings.
• The Records Committee met February 1 to review items the Auxiliary has stored at the VFW and reorganize items found there. Approved disposal of the treasurer records from before 2016, as recommended in the records retention guidelines from the National organization. Determined that we will keep all secretary records and anything that may have historical value until the committee meets again and makes a recommendation.
• Approved payment of a bill from Signs Plus for embroidery of Life Member patches on red vests supplied by the Auxiliary.
• Discussed a letter received from District 9 Sr. Vice President Jamie Cassavant.
• Year End Reports are due to the District by March 31. President Shirley Quist distributed report forms to committee chairs. A date to get together and assemble reports will be scheduled at the next meeting.
• Veterans Day on the Hill is March 30 in St. Paul. We will discuss it at the next meeting if anyone is interested in attending.
• Draped the Charter for 3289 Auxiliary Member Marjorie Weller who passed away January 13, 2023.
The next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 6 p.m.