OTC sewage treatment funding
News | Published on March 29, 2023 at 12:16am GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0Roadway, bridge funding approved in OTC
By Tom Hintgen
Otter Tail County Correspondent
County commissioners approved an agreement of services between Otter Tail County and the East Otter Tail Soil and Water Conservation District for sewage treatment funding.
This is in conjunction with the Otter Tail River Watershed for Watershed Based Implementation Funding in the amount of $112,000. The money will go toward Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems (SSTS), staffing, enforcement and software development.
Roadway, bridge
funding approved
A motion by County Commissioner Lee Rogness of Fergus Falls and seconded by Commissioner Kurt Mortenson of rural Underwood was unanimously carried to authorize county officials’ signatures to execute the contract between Otter Tail County and Mark Sand & Gravel Company of Fergus Falls. This will provide for the 2023 seasonal supply of hot mix bituminous.
Also approved by county board members was a contract between Otter Tail County and Redstone Construction of Mora, Minn., for miscellaneous bridge repair projects throughout Otter Tail County.
Feedlot expansion
public hearing held
County commissioners, on March 14, held a feedlot expansion public hearing on behalf of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). Minutes of the meeting were forwarded to the regional MPCA office.
The owner of Twin Spruce Farm North Feedlot, near Perham, is looking to expand the number of animal units (AU) at the existing feedlot. No new construction is planned as the feedlot has capacity for additional animal units.
The owner provided notice in the newspaper of the affected area and date and time of the public meeting and sent notification to property owners within 5,000 feet of Twin Spruce Farm North Feedlot, near Perham.
No comments were received during the public hearing on March 14 and county commissioners extended support for the expansion. The MPCA, after further review, is responsible for issuing a permit.