New York Mills VFW honors coloring contest award winners
News | Published on May 2, 2023 at 3:25pm GMT+0000 | Author: Tucker Henderson
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The VFW Post 3289 Auxiliary recently hosted a coloring contest and Dolly Tumberg presented awards to the winners. Above: First Place: Karsyn Lofgren, Second Place: Calum Kniesel, Third Place: MaKenna Marsh and Honorable Mention: Jaeger Zutter. Bottom right: First Place: Daisy Lalum, Second Place: Kaylee Allen, Third Place: Olivia Ithivongkham and Honorable Mention: Jacob Martinez (not pictured). Bottom left: First Place: Brody Hammer, Second Place: Cassidy Smith, Third Place: Charlie Braukmann and Honorable Mention: Jace Balbach.