Friday also featured a number of games set up in front of the Cultural Center.Al Berube and Kyle Gylsen talked to some of the participants in the Lund Mania fishing tournament on Friday.Gordy and Barb Lund stand next to the first Lund Runabout manufactured by Gordy’s father, Howard Lund, who founded Lund Boats in 1948. The Runabout was displayed at the antique boat show during Lund Mania on Friday. The top 3 place finishers in the annual Lund Mania fishing tournament were honored on stage on Friday night in New York Mills. Entrants in this year’s parade included the Marching Eagles, County Cycle Pit Stop, Vaughn Auto and Marine and countless other businesses and organizations. Sam Slieter gives a person a hand during the annual Boatville drag races, while members of the baseball team watch a photo finish during one of the races.The Design’s by Tes team get a push start during the Boatville drags.As the rain began to fall, members of the Certified Auto Repair team celebrate another championship in the Boatville drags race on Friday afternoon.The annual parade was delayed a bit due to inclement weather but once again featured plenty of candy and entries into the parade.Earlier in the day, boats were inspected near Beach Bums on Otter Tail Lake for the fishing tournament.