NYM Babe Ruth team advances to state tournament
Sports | Published on July 18, 2023 at 5:31pm GMT+0000 | Author: Tucker Henderson
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The New York Mills 13u Babe Ruth team has advanced to the state Babe Ruthe tournament with a thrilling 1-0 win over Menahga on July 11. The state tournament will be held from Thursday through Sunday in Moorhead. Team members include: Front row: Sean Dresser and Bergen Roder. Middle row: Kolston Lofgren, Cass Ament, Gavin Maunumaki, Jacobey Wilhlemi and Reed Rastedt. Back row: Coach Nick Roder Dawson Seelhammer, Coach Trent Ament, Camden Lenz, Ryder Davis, Weston Simpson, Caden Lalum, Coach Jake Wilhelmi and Coach Jake Seelhammer.