By Tucker Henderson


The annual community Thanksgiving Meal will once again take place at Trinity Lutheran Church in New York Mills next week. Farmer’s Daughter Rustic Bakery will be catering the event and donating their time and talents to feeding the community as they have for the past few years. Proceeds cover the costs of the ingredients, but all other proceeds go to benefit Santa Anonymous.

“We at the bakery donate our kitchen and all the time to prep, cook, and clean up,” said a post on the bakery’s Facebook page. “We want to thank everyone who has helped here and the church for making this meal a success.”

The meal will be held Wednesday, Nov. 22 in the Fellowship Hall at Trinity Lutheran from 4-6 p.m. With Thanksgiving worship services following in the Sanctuary at 7 p.m.

Thanksgiving staples of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, glazed carrots, cranberries, dinner rolls, and a pumpkin dessert will be available to eat while sharing a grateful spirit with your neighbor.

Take-out and delivered meals are also available by calling Karen Brasel at (218) 385-2772 or (218) 298-2214 before Sunday, Nov. 19.