Photo by Tucker Henderson
The new apartment building in the South Point development is beginning to take shape in New York Mills.

By Tucker Henderson


The New York Mills Economic Development Authority board met during their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Wednesday, Dec. 18 to discuss topics surrounding community development.

Latham Hetland gave an update on NYM Forward which met the day prior and he mentioned that there was a possible new member for the committee which is one person short of a full committee at this time. He also said the steering committee is focused on the Welcoming Communities Cohort, which the survey has been extended until Jan. 7 for as many members of the community to fill it out online or in person as possible.

Blaine Novak also mentioned that an important future goal of the committee’s strategic planning was to be more transparent to the public and provide more opportunities for the community to be involved in their operations.

Betsy Roder expounded upon the Welcoming Communities Cohort and mentioned that the latest number of completed surveys was near 100. The committee was hoping for around 300, which is why the survey deadline was extended into January.

Other discussion surrounded construction in the South Point development with the apartment building going up. 

Julie Roberts said the they have the elevator shaft up and are working on other parts of the building. 

Gohman Construction requested permission from the City of NY Mills to install a camera to use for monitoring the facility and also recording time lapses of the construction project. 

Roder said that the project was getting a lot of positive attention around the county.

In other news

• The city is looking into the possibility of declassifying the Country View development as a TIF district, which would make it possible for them to be more creative in how they market and sell the lots that are left out there.

• A brief discussion on succession planning was had and points about marketing the businesses outside of NY Mills has been a problem in the past. An idea to reach out to NY Mills alumni was brought up, but one problem was that there is no comprehensive list of NY Mills alumni to go through and contact potential interested parties. Another idea to host a succession planning event was said to try and let people know that it is an important area of the community to be aware of.

• The next meeting of the EDA will be on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at 8:30 a.m. at the City Hall chambers.