Christina Heisler

Christina Heisler has joined Grace Connection Church in rural New York Mills as a new Children’s  Ministry Director. Heisler has spent the last seven years teaching third grade and Bible at Park Christian School in Moorhead, Minn. 

Heisler is a unique fit for Grace Connection’s vision as they look to come alongside families and parents in developing godly men and women for the next generation.

Children’s programming includes midweek’s Kid’s Connection, as well as Sunday school, which follows regular Sunday services. 

Wednesday evening events begin with Dine and Dig starting at 5 p.m. in which a light meal is served  before classes begin. At 6 p.m. Kid’s Connection, an event for children, ages K-6th grade, begins. At the same time an adult study, titled Disciple Theology with Dr. Don Preussler begins in the church auditorium. Classes are generally concluded by 7:30 p.m.

Grace Connection is located at 56303 US Hwy. 10, New York Mills, MN.