New apartment building begins to take shape in NYM

Photo by Tucker Henderson
A large red crane towers over the skyline as W. Gohman construction continues to work on the apartment building in South Point.

By Tucker Henderson


The New York Mills Economic Development Authority (EDA) met for their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, Jan. 17 at the city hall chambers.

Photo by Chad Koenen
The New York Mills EDA heard that the inspections are about completed at the new Continental Divide Brew Pub in the former bakery in NY Mills.

The first task of the EDA board in 2024 was the appointment of officers and their terms. New members, Tim Muehler and Caleb Monson, will be taking on three and six year terms, respectively. Betsy Roder will continue her duties as president, Marsha Maki will continue as vice-president, Latham Hetland as treasurer, Bonnie Dykhoff as assistant treasurer, and Caleb Monson as secretary. Tim Muehler and Blaine Novak will fill their roles as officers.

Dykhoff brought up two business ideas that she had been approached about recently. The first was a 10-unit assisted living which would need about an acre of property within the city to built a facility. A suggestion to look into the South Point addition was brought up and more information will be sought from the city on available properties.

The second business proposition was that of a Cannabidiol (CBD) business, which would strive for a natural remedy theme within their business. 

Cheri Kopveiler, Administrative Assistant at the City of NY Mills, said that the business would be limited in location due to zoning restrictions and regulations to be so far from the NY Mills School and all city parks. Another factor is the regulations of such a business due to its products. The city would need to seek information out from the League of Minnesota Cities to clarify the business’ feasibility.

Hetland updated the board that they will need to create an application for the Community Development Grant available through the EDA. The next step would be to start marketing it to local businesses. Hetland and Dykhoff volunteered to work on the application and have something to present to the board at the next meeting. 

Nick Roder, economic advisor, said that with the 60-unit apartment being built, there will be an increase in business activity and interest once tenants are living there, pointing out the possibility that these business ideas and others might have real traction with an increasing population.

In other news

• The 60-unit apartment building in the South Point development is moving ever-skyward. The addition of a large red crane in the past weeks has drawn much attention to the project. Gohman Construction, which both owns and is building the structure, has also expressed interest in being involved in community support. 

• Kopveiler informed the board that there is another person looking at purchasing a lot in Country View. Around 10 lots are still available for sale.

• Hetland mentioned that NYM Forward met recently and added a new member, Tim Theisen of Theisen Construction, who will add to their varying experiences.

• Hetland said that the Continental Divide Brew Pub was almost finished with inspections with the final inspection coming up quickly. The Brew Pub will have both a soft opening when they open and then a grand opening later in the spring. There is no official opening date yet, but “soon” is the operative word.

• The next meeting of the NY Mills EDA will be on Wednesday, Feb. 21 at the City Hall Chambers at 8:30 a.m.