NYM VFW Auxiliary takes second in Poppy contest
News | Published on February 13, 2024 at 3:58pm GMT+0000 | Author: Tucker Henderson
0VFW honored for Memorial or Inspirational Display

New York Mills VFW Charles D. Center Post 3289 Auxiliary placed first in the Department of Minnesota VFW Buddy Poppy display contest in category 2 – Memorial or Inspirational Displays.
The displays must be designed to honor the dead, to inspire devotion to God and Country, or to dramatize the activities supported by the Buddy Poppy. The submission utilized 656 buddy poppies and will go on to the VFW National contest at the end of July 2024.
Since 1922, the “Buddy” Poppy has been an integral part of the VFW community. The “Buddy” Poppy represents the blood shed by American military service members and reminds us of their sacrifices.
VFW pays the disabled veteran for the work to construct the poppy. In most cases, this extra money provides additional income for the worker to pay for the little luxuries which make life more tolerable. Furthermore, Poppy assembly is often used as a therapy program to provide exercise for fingers and hands crippled by wounds, disease and the effects of old age.
Another reason Poppies are so important is because all proceeds from distribution are used for veteran’s welfare or for the well being of their dependents and the orphans of veterans. More than 2,300 children of veterans have been, or are being cared for in the VFW National Home in Eaton Rapids, Michigan, thanks to a portion of Poppy funds.