New York Mills Lions Club hosts annual peace poster contest
News | Published on March 19, 2024 at 2:24pm GMT+0000 | Author: Tucker Henderson
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The New York Mills Lions Club recently honored its annual peace poster contest winners. Peace poster award winners include (above): honorable mentions- Isabella Hoyhtya, Gemma Greenwaldt, Ella Holmes, Dawson Seelhammer; third place-Aiden Krosch; second place-Bailey Gruenhagen and first place- Bailey Page. Sixth grade: honorable mentions- Oakley Kern, Paige Green, Jeffrey Schwantes, Alexis Berndt; third place- Aiden Schneider, second place- Tige Long and first place- MaKenzie Ness. Fifth grade: honorable mentions- Finn Costin, Ulrik Mursu, Jordanna Huwe, Karsyn Elaine; third place- Michael Bleichner, second place- Kalum Kneisl and first place- Hadley Johnson