City rezones two lots to make way for business

By Chad Koenen


A pair of residential lots will be rezoned as commercial to make way for a new well drilling business in Ottertail.

During its regularly scheduled meeting on March 14, the Ottertail City Council held a public hearing concerning a request to rezone two parcels in Thalmann’s Fourth Addition on Buchanan Road to commercial lots. The city rezoned the lots from agricultural, which would have allowed for a commercial business, to residential in just 2023. The lots were located near the end of the development and is about a quarter mile from other commercial businesses.

The city received two letters from adjacent property owners who opposed the rezoning of the property from single family to commercial.

The city council also heard from Marvin Vareberg, who was requesting the change in zoning. He said he understood the concerns of neighbors, but he would work with neighbors to address their concerns revolving potential additional noise from trucks and equipment.

Following the public hearing, the city council approved the request for rezone the property on Buchanan Road from residential to commercial to allow for the new business.

In other news

• Held a tax abatement public hearing for a property located at 122 Bayview Road. The hearing is similar to several other public hearings that are necessary as part of the Otter Tail County Big Build program. The tax abatement was approved by the council. 

• Approved the purchase of backpacks for the fire department as presented.

• Heard the city recently received a preliminary cost to expand the Ottertail Fire Hall. The city has discussed potentially expanding the fire hall in the past and an updated quote found that a 70×40 foot expansion for an additional 2,800 square feet addition would cost anywhere from $525,000-602,000. City clerk/treasurer Amanda Thorson said the city council will need to keep the expansion project in the front of their mind for budgeting purposes and can also look at making updates to the community center for things like the kitchen and windows/doors. 

• Discussed the survival kit promotion that is being sponsored by the City of Ottertail. Residents can register with the city office to win one of 10 survival kits that will be given away in Ottertail. Each kit includes everything from jumper cables, portable air compressors and other items that could aid an individual should their vehicle stall in the winter. The city council will utilize funding from a public safety grant the city received.