Public works dept. gears up for summer season

By Chad Koenen


The New York Mills City Council received some positive news from its annual 2023 year-end audit report from Eide Bailly.

During its regularly scheduled meeting last Tuesday night, the city council learned that it received 33.2 percent more revenue than anticipated, due in large part to nearly $100,000 in additional contributions and donations than was originally in the budget. In all, the city received $402,998 in additional revenue than originally anticipated.

On the expense side, the city spent $829,196 more than budget and overspent its general fund revenue by $328,585. As a result, the city’s general fund decreased to a reserve of just over $1.5 million, or 73 percent of total expenses. That reserve amount is slightly lower than the average over the past 10 years, but is still above the recommended amount of reserve from the Minnesota State Auditor Office and Government Financial Officers Association. 

Braden Axtman, of Eide Bailly, said much of additional expenses were due to the South Point project, while many of the additional donations and contributions were attributed to culture and recreation. 

In other news

• Heard the 2023 pool summary report from pool manager Harley Wurst. Last year there were nearly 4,400 total swimmers at the community pool. June was the busiest month with 1,987 swimmers. The plan was to continue offering evening swimming lessons, as well as daytime lessons again this summer. 

• Heard the monthly liquor store report, which showed that the net revenues for the month of March were down 20 percent as a percentage of sales from the prior year due to the audit expense and purchase of point of sale system. The year to date net revenue is down 2.03 percent from last year. 

• Received the monthly call report from the NY Mills Fire Department, which showed 18 calls for service during the month of March. A total of 12 calls were medical related and three were fire calls. The fire department also interviewed William Lucas and recommended hiring him to the fire department. He is the 21st member of the fire department, meaning there is currently one spot left to fill on the fire department. 

• Heard the public works department has been getting the community ready for spring as the park restrooms at Lund Park, Smith Park and The Barn are operational for the season. The utility department has also started getting the sidewalk benches, planters and picnic tables have been spruced up for the summer.  

• Acknowledged a donation of $500 from an anonymous donor for the Park Board to purchase soccer goals at Hidden Trails Park.

• Acknowledged a cash donation of $500 from the NY Mills Lions Club to purchase soccer nets at the Southside Park/Hidden Trails Park. 

• Acknowledged a cash donation of $5,000 from KLN Enterprises for the pool project.