Progress continues on  apartment building

Photo by Tucker Henderson
Businesses in New York Mills have been approved for the downtown matching grant program, including both sides of Main Street.

By Tucker Henderson


The New York Mills Economic Development Authority (EDA) met last week for their monthly meeting to discuss the economic development within the city.

The first order of business was to discuss the quote of $365 for a 4×4 sign promoting the NY Mills Civic and Commerce’s slogan of “Small Town, Big Life,” which will be affixed to a new building being put up by Newton Township on the corner of Centennial 84 Drive and Broadway. The request for the EDA to purchase one sign while the township provides the other was made last month and was tabled until a quote could be reviewed. The request was approved.

The EDA’s Downtown Matching Grant Program garnered seven applications in its first month and all were approved by the grant committee as being eligible for funds. EDA members voted on each grant application in succession and the following businesses were approved for grant funding: Centennial Realty, Continental Divide Brew Pub, Designs by Tes, Old Ten Center, Miriam’s Massage, New York Mills Family Dentistry and Outsiderz Apparel/Lindsay Wedde EA. 

EDA members Bonnie Dykhoff, Latham Hetland, and Caleb Monson abstained from voting on the applications from their own businesses.

A total of $26,860 in grant funding was approved to these businesses for improvements on their storefronts including updated signage, exterior work, repaving a parking lot, window replacement and others. This still leaves the Downtown Matching Grant Program with over $23,000 left for any future applicants.

Betsy Roder and Latham Hetland updated the board on NYM Forward, stating that the committee would meet the following day. The last Welcoming Communities Cohort had been held at the end of April and the committee will be discussing how to move forward and keep the ball rolling on that project.

In other news

• The Country View Addition has eight lots left available for purchase. The city is currently closing on the last lot adjacent to County Highway 56.

• The construction of the South Point Apartment building is continuing and possible open houses for the public closer to completion may be held.

• The city closed on both 103 and 105 South Main properties recently. Mark Wegscheid purchased the properties and has already started using them as a used car lot for his business, NYM Auto Sales.

• A bid on the City’s T19 building has been accepted. Plans for a new storage facility at the City Center is in the works to replace that space.

• The next meeting of the NY Mills EDA will be held on Wednesday, June 12 at 8:30 a.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers.