Additional funding opportunities are available

Photo by Tucker Henderson
A new parking lot was constructed near the Old Ten Center in downtown New York Mills. The project was partially funded through the downtown beautification grants that are available in New York Mills. 

By Tucker Henderson


The New York Mills Economic Development Authority board met last week during their regularly scheduled monthly meeting on Wednesday, Aug. 21 to discuss the ongoing development within the city.

Jordan Grossman from Community and Economic Development Associates (CEDA) was a guest of the EDA and visited with the board about the potential opportunities available through CEDA. She mentioned that she was impressed with the EDA’s programs the are already in place. She said that many other neighboring communities are still working on getting these types of programs in place, while NY Mills is ahead of the curve in this respect.

Photo by Tucker Henderson
A new parking lot was constructed near the Old Ten Center in downtown New York Mills. The project was partially funded through the downtown beautification grants that are available in New York Mills.

She asked the board about their thoughts on moving forward with their programs including the city’s matching grant program and community rehabilitation applications. 

NY Mills EDA President Betsy Roder said that they have seen success in those programs, but need guidance on how to expand, advertise, and bring new businesses to town. 

Grossman suggested a community survey which can be helpful, though sometimes difficult in a town of NY Mills’ size.

Bonnie Dykhoff said that one struggle NY Mills struggles with is the lack of larger commercial buildings or spaces to build within the city. Larger operations are taking their business elsewhere to accommodate their growing demands. 

Caleb Monson brought up the question of whether some of the buildings downtown, especially on Main Avenue, are even usable for rehabilitation.

Grossman said that a great way to bring new businesses to town would be to have a space ready for them to move in, she said that rehabilitating the unused buildings could be a draw to some potential businesses. She asked if there had been movement towards working with the owners of unused buildings in town. 

Roder said there was no official policy or mission to work with the owners at this time.

CEDA funds for rehabilitation, demolition, and clean up was brought up by Grossman for areas where blight may be a potential issue. She said that these funds were available for some of these unused buildings if the EDA were to pursue purchasing them. She also said that she would take all of the board’s feedback and work on a plan for NY Mills to better utilize the programs in place and the revolving loan fund in the future.

In other news

• The revolving loan fund balance increased significantly this month as Mills Manor paid off their loan in its entirety. Mills Manor recently sold the business to Vitality Living, which now owns and operates the nursing home.

• Two new Downtown Marching Grant applications were discussed. It was mentioned that new applications have been submitted each month. The first was for Lakeland Auto Repair to raise existing concrete and to add a concrete pad to the shop property. 

• Another application from Mills Country Market to seal coat their parking lot, as well as an additional portion to update flooring inside the store was discussed. The program is meant for exterior work on local businesses and does not prioritize indoor updates at this time. The portion of the application meant for seal coating was approved. The interior updates would be reconsidered if Mills Country Market wanted to re-apply for the updates towards the end of the grant program this year and there was still funds available.

• Latham Hetland gave an update on NYM Forward. They are working on a Welcoming Communities Resource Street Fair of sorts where the Otter Cove Children’s Museum, Fire Department, Police Department, Library, Cultural Center, EDA, and others will be available to showcase what NY Mills has to offer and what resources are available for new and existing members of the community. This event is tentatively set for Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 4-7 p.m. The event will be held on Main Avenue unless it rains, in which case it will be held in the City Hall Ballroom. More details will follow.

• Adam Johnson spoke with someone at the county level to discuss the ongoing plans and discussions about the County Resource Center that has been proposed to possibly be in NY Mills. He and Julie Roberts toured the City Center with the county and said that it was a positive meeting. District 4 county commissioner Robert Lahman of Parkers Prairie has also shown support for this project.

• The next meeting of the NYM EDA will be on Wednesday, September 10 at 8:30 a.m. at the City Hall Council Chambers.