The New York Mills fifth and sixth graders attended a Knowledge Bowl contest for the first time in school history and had amazing results. 

NY Mills had teams place second, third, third and eighth overall out of 16 teams competing. 

The second place team consisted of Kalum Kneisl, Levi Marsh, Tate Sneeden, Shane Schornack and Hayden Bleichner (above).  

One third place team included Zeke Geiser, Max Geiser, Elijah VonRuden, Eli Schneider and Liam Hotchkiss (right).  

The other third place team was Helena Kimber, Sydney Jorgenson, Jordanna Huwe, Kylie Weller and Kaia Roder (below right).  

Taking eighth place was Brigid Stout, Hadley Johnson, Britta Keskitalo, Millie Schik and Mila Aschnewitz (below left).  

These kids are all excited to attend another meet at the end of November.