County board faces budget challenges
News | Published on February 4, 2025 at 4:06pm GMT+0000 | Author: Tucker Henderson
New County Commissioner Sean Sullivan of Fergus Falls, second from right, met with fellow commissioners Tuesday morning, Jan. 28, at the County Government Services Center in Fergus Falls. From left are Commissioners Kurt Mortenson of rural Underwood, Dan Bucholz of Perham, Wayne Johnson of Pelican Rapids, Commissioner Sullivan and Bob Lahman of Parkers Prairie.
By Tom Hintgen
Otter Tail County Correspondent
Some proposed budget cuts at the state and national levels, if enacted into law, would greatly impact county government including Otter Tail County and the other 86 counties in Minnesota.
County commissioners, on Jan. 28, reminded county residents that Otter Tail County’s annual budget for 2025 is $144.2 million with 39 percent of the county budget funded with local property tax dollars. The net property tax levy for this coming year is $53.1 million.
Funding for the remainder of the budget comes from the state and federal governments. State funding cutbacks could affect county efforts to fight invasive species at county lakes and rivers, not to mention negative effects with other county programs.
County government, with assistance from the state and federal governments, works to maintain roads and bridges, ensure public health, provide veterans services, assists in job and housing creation, properly manages public waste, helps those in need, provides for law enforcement, enhances tourism and plays a role in many other endeavors.
Commissioners, in order to gain input from county residents, established four open houses Monday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m. this year in four locations. The first gathering will be held March 31 at the Henning Community Center, with subsequent gatherings scheduled for June 9 at the Dalton Community Center, Sept. 15 at the Dent Community Center and Nov. 17 at the Government Services Center in Fergus Falls.
Establishment of a finance director will be considered by county commissioners and county committees in future months. Other counties have already added finance directors. They have seen, as does Otter Tail County, that too many responsibilities are borne by county auditors and country treasurers.
A new finance director, if approved by county commissioners, would interact with county departments, county residents, bond rating agencies and help prepare the annual county budget.
UCare grant accepted
Otter Tail County’s Public Health Department has a mission to protect, maintain, and improve the health of the people of Otter Tail County. To that end, county commissioners accepted a UCare Nutrition and Food Security grant in the
amount of $25,000.
These funds will be used to coordinate a produce prescription pilot project.
A produce prescription program allows for health care workers to prescribe fruits and vegetables to people who need them. The goal is to improve access to nutritious food. The program also includes cooking classes and nutritional counseling.
The pilot project will use evidence-based strategies targeted at reducing the
percentage of Minnesotans who experience one or more chronic disease diagnosis. Otter Tail County Public Health is the designated lead agency to execute the responsibilities for the UCare Nutrition and Food Security grant.
Sheriff donations help those in need
County residents and organizations oftentimes step up and donate funds and various items to the county sheriff office to help people in times of need. County board members, on Jan. 28, gave the sheriff office the authority to accept the donations.
“Acceptance of the funds and items in accordance with the donor’s terms is in the best interest of the sheriff office as they help those in need here in Otter Tail County,” said County Board Chairman Wayne Johnson of Pelican Rapids. “We are grateful to the generous donations from people and organizations throughout our county.”
Making the recommendation to the county board was Otter Tail County Sheriff Barry Fitzgibbons. Minnesota Statute requires a county to accept gifts by resolution of the county board of commissioners.
N.Y. Mills joins county in housing initiative
Otter Tail County commissioners wholeheartedly accepted, on Jan. 28, a request from the city of New York Mills to have collaboration to support new residential development within the city limits of New York Mills. This program offers a rebate on property taxes for new home construction.
The county, led by Otter Tail County Community Development Director Amy Baldwin, preciously offered to assist the communities of Pelican Rapids and Ottertail in support of new residential development.
Since its launch in 2019, the program has supported more than 350 new home builds, aligning with the county’s Big Build Initiative which has focused on housing growth and investment.
Baldwin said the purpose of the Community Development Agency (CDA) is to strengthen the communities of Otter Tail County by expanding housing opportunities, promoting business development and fostering the coordination of public and private resources.