NYM School tax levy to see small increase
News | Published on December 8, 2022 at 5:40pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
0NYM School receives donated soaking tub
By Chad Koenen
The New York Mills School Board approved a 3.74 percent increase in its tax levy for 2023.
During its regularly scheduled meeting last Monday night, the school board formally approved its levy, which will be $1,851,648.26 for the upcoming year. The total increase will be $66,816.49 next year.
By fund, the change is a 4.95 percent decrease in the general fund, a 3.33 percent increase in the community service fund and a 9.78 percent increase in the debt service fund.
During the annual truth in taxation hearing, which was also held on Monday night, NY Mills Superintendent Blaine Novak explained how the increase will affect taxes for residential and commercial properties in the school district for the upcoming year.
As part of the truth in taxation hearing, Novak informed the school board that the school district has seen steady and small growth in its enrollment over the past nine years. The pre-k program continues to see the greatest growth as the pre-k program now has an enrollment of approximately 60 students.
In other news
• Heard that the Community Serving Classrooms Carnival raised over $10,000 in November.
• Heard the new driver’s education vehicle will be a small SUV and not a car. Novak said the purchase was made to reflect a growing number of teenagers who are driving small SUVs, as opposed to cars.
• Accepted the following donations: $2,000 from Lakes Area Coop to the FFA, $2,500 from Perham Health for a scoreboard sponsorship and a Victorian tub to the athletic department from Denise Rousslang.
• Approved the following appointments: Emily Kopveiler as a pre-k paraprofessional, Jared Hotakainen as the head junior high wrestling coach, Greg Esala for talented and gifted, Nikola Kruse for technology, Jordan Folkestad as a c-squad boys basketball and assistant varsity coach, Shane Novak as a wrestling volunteer, Zach Hocking as a wrestling volunteer, Wayne Werner as a wrestling volunteer, Brian Schornack as a wrestling volunteer, Cody Geiser as a wrestling volunteer and Evelyn Martinez Ortega as a high school paraprofessional.
• Accepted the following resignations: Marissa Witt as a paraprofessional, Jeffrey Dickerson as a bus driver and Holly Gudmundson as a fall play assistant director.