Students head outdoors for activities like snowshoeing

By Chad Koenen


A partnership between Partnership4Health and the New York Mills School District continues to promote healthy living opportunities for students across the school district. At least that was the message shared by phy ed teacher Jeff Rimpila during a recent update to the NY Mills School Board.

During its regularly scheduled meeting last week, the NY Mills School Board heard an update about a joint partnership between Partnership4Health and the NY Mills School District. Rimpila said his phy ed classes have changed quite a bit over the years. The classes now consists of things like snowshoeing and riding a bicycle, which could benefit students long after they leave the walls of NY Mills School. 

In addition to owning its own bike fleet, the school district has purchased snowshoes, which culminated in a snowshoeing day earlier this year. The students went snowshoeing at Sonnenberg Trails just north of NY Mills, which included even special treats like hot chocolate.

“Probably the best day I have had in 18 years of teaching,” said Rimpila of the snowshoeing day. “It was just a fantastic day. Getting the kids outside and being active.”

The change in the phy ed program seems to be having a positive impact outside of the school day as Rimpila shared a story about being in Wadena where he saw a few students from NY Mills School. He learned that the students rode their bikes from NY Mills to Wadena to get a treat in town. 

Rimpila’s update to the school board is part of an ongoing effort by the school board to learn more about the programs and offerings at the school district. 

In other news

• Acknowledged the following donations: $250 from Snyder and Company for the trap team, $6,000 from the Ottertail Lions Club for Close Up, $500 from KLN Enterprises for Close Up, $2,000 from the Minnesota Deer Hunters Association for the trap team, $250 from Marie Bender for the trap team, $400 from the NY Mills VFW Auxiliary for the trap team, $350 from the NY Mills VFW Auxiliary for Close Up, $3,000 from the NY Mills Lions Club for the trap team and $1,000 from the NY Mills Lions Club for DARE.

• Approved calling for bids for the sale of the school-built house in May. The minimum bid will be $76,500 and the bids will be due on May 17. 

• Approved an overnight stay in Jackson, Minn., for the NY Mills softball team on May 12. 

• Approved the following appointments: Lindsay Kennedy as special education teacher, Leah Roberts-Veazie as high school English teacher and Zach Hocking as elementary phy ed teacher.

• Approved the following resignations: Rachel Dockter as high school English teacher, Zach Hocking as paraprofessional, Jeff Rimpila as elementary phy ed teacher, William Schmieg as 5-12 grade science teacher, Nick DeVillers as technology director, Maria Theisen as elementary special education teacher, Nikolas Kruse as technology assistant, Rebecca Imsande as vocal music teacher for grades K-12, Denise Hudson as cafeteria worker, Heidi Tormanen as RTI interventionist, Shanetta Reitmeyer as paraprofessional, Kelly Tumberg as internationalist and Doug Salo as assistant wrestling coach. 

• Heard from high school principal Michelle Young about the plan to have a mental health awareness week at the school. The plan is to have dress up days for the students to commemorate the week, while also providing statistics about mental health, promote a positive attitude and greet people at the door with a positive message. She said the students have really embraced the week.

• Heard about several upcoming projects at the NY Mills School this summer, including, work on the entrance of the high school and the football field ticket booth/bathroom.