The VFW Post 3289 Auxiliary met April 11 with 18 members present.

Minutes from the March 14 meeting were approved, and the March 31 Treasurer’s Report was filed subject to audit.

The General Orders Bulletin for April 2024 from the Department President was read and discussed.  The Minnesota State VFW Convention will be June 13-16 in Rochester, and the National Convention is July 27-August 1 in Louisville, Kentucky. Letters were received from Laurie Dale, Department of Minnesota VFW Auxiliary Treasurer and from Shirley Quist, District 9 VFW Auxiliary Sr. Vice President. Thank you notes were received from the New York Mills Food Shelf and from a family that received a medical grant.

Committee Chairs gave an update on our programs for 2023-2024.

In other business

• Buddy Poppy Days were scheduled for Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18. The Memorial Day program at the school will be May 27.

• We served 64 people at the Civil Servant Recognition Dinner.  Kathy Rosenthal presented Lisa Jergenson with a certificate for her leadership and work on the event.

• Approved payment of bills.

• Approved the audit report for January-March.

• Approved a donation to the District 9 Auxiliary President’s Special Project (Bemidji Veterans Home).

• Approved medical grants for two families of Auxiliary members.

• Loyalty Day and the District 9 Convention will be April 27 in Pelican Rapids.

• Helped to publicize electronics recycling by a Veteran, which was rescheduled from April 20 to April 27 at Trinity Lutheran Church in New York Mills.

• Elected officers for the 2024-2025 year as follows: President Shirley Quist; Sr. Vice Bonnie Marweg; Jr. Vice Kathy Rosenthal; Treasurer Celia Piippo; Chaplain Tina Moenkedick; Conductor Lisa Jergensen; Guard Judy Anderson; Trustee #3 Barb Puckett, and Trustee #2 Aune Longfors.  Myrna Baumgart was appointed Secretary.  Installation of officers will take place at our next meeting.

• Discussed plans for the Ronald McDonald House Ride breakfast on Sunday, June 9.

• Discussed Community Appreciation and Flag Burning scheduled for Friday, June 21.

  Our next meeting will be Thursday, May 9, 2024 at 6 p.m.