Stevens graduates from MSU-Mankato

Minnesota State University, Mankato awarded 2,016 degrees to 1,696 students at the end of the fall 2024 semester, with approximately 700 students planning to participate in commencement ceremonies scheduled for 9 a.m. and noon Saturday, Dec. 14 in Taylor Center’s Bresnan Arena on the Minnesota State Mankato campus.

Graduate of the College of Allied Health and Nursing and College of Business participated in the 9 a.m. ceremony. Graduates of the College of Science, Engineering and Technology, College of Education and College of Humanities and Social Sciences participated in the noon ceremony. 

Among the students who graduated from Minnesota State University, Mankato was Landon Stevens, New York Mills, Marketing.

Anderson graduates from MSUM

Minnesota State University Moorhead awarded degrees to more than 360 students, including 139 graduate students, during three separate ceremonies for fall commencement on Thursday, Dec. 19, in the university’s Roland Dille Center for the Arts Hansen Theatre.

Among the students who graduated was Megan Anderson, Ottertail, Nursing.