NYM School honors Star Students of the quarter
News | Published on February 1, 2022 at 7:15pm GMT+0000 | Author: Chad Koenen
Thirteen students were named as the Star Students of the quarter at New York Mills School. The new program recognizes students in the areas of academics and/or character.
The New York Mills School has recently honored 13 Star Students for the second quarter. The new program recognizes students in the areas of academics and/or character.
NY Mills High School staff nominate students at the end of each quarter for the award. Six junior high students and seven high school students were recognized as Star Students this quarter.
Star Students and a message about their nomination include:
Junior High
Hannah Larson: Hannah creates a positive atmosphere around her. Everyday, she brings her bright personality and tries to help anyone around her who has a question. With these qualities, she is a joy to have in the classroom.
Lucas Johnston: Lucas comes to class excited to learn everyday. He is very motivated to be challenged and pushed. He works hard and comes prepared with questions. I really appreciate his enthusiasm to take on new concepts in class.
Owen Johnson: So kind to his classmates, always includes everyone in group work and lifts up his classmates! Great student!
Carlyle Tumberg: Carlyle has consistently shown what a STAR Eagle is from the beginning of the school year. His positivity and willingness to participate in class activities demonstrate what great character he has. Never one to do anything for attention, he quietly exudes a calm and encouraging attitude every day, but it has been noticed!
Justin Kassa: It is my pleasure to recommend Justin Kassa for the Star Eagles Award. Justin has shown on a daily basis his integrity, high level of motivation, respectfulness of his peers, friendship towards all, participation in class, patience with others, and honest desire to do his best in class. Knowing the standards of the Star Eagles Award, I take pleasure in assuring you that Justin is a perfect example of who you are seeking.
Ellie Scheidecker: Can communicate with adults, tell life stories that apply to the subject we are studying. She is also a positive presence that makes everyone around her have a better day. The details she uses in completing daily assignments are impeccable. Ellie also brings in artifacts from her family’s business that relate to what we are learning.
Senior High
Emily (Lee) Thompson: Lee works very hard in class and really strives to learn each concept. Lee participates enthusiastically in classroom discussions adding insight and a unique perspective to what we are learning. Lee’s presence enriches our classroom as a whole.
Calie Fiedler: I nominate Calie for the Star Student because she is great to have in class! She is great about advocating for herself and is responsible with her academics. Calie is also very kind and funny with her peers and the staff.
Megan Riedel: Always comes to class with a positive attitude, puts an emphasis on doing her best in the classroom and outside of the classroom. If everyone was as joyful as Megan, this world would be such a fun place!
Madison Lehmann: She is such a hard worker. She tries her very best and expects the best out of herself and the people around her!
Haley Korkowski: Haley continues to shine academically. She is one of those students who takes charge to make sure she is making the most of her time here at New York Mills. Even more than her academic strengths, I appreciate the positive energy she brings to class.
Nathan Kassa: Nathan Kassa is a wonderful student who is a joy to have in class. His work is first-rate, always completed on time and done extremely well. He never takes short-cuts and constantly holds himself to a high standard. On top of that, he is always willing to participate and add to classroom discussions. He is more than deserving of being a Star Eagle!
Andrew Krosch: He is such a positive person to be around. He can always put a smile on your face, and he can tell some great jokes. He is also a very hard worker, he really tries to put 100 percent into everything he does.